vendredi 30 septembre 2011

Lady Gaga Already Working On Next Album

Unlike the rest of us, Lady Gaga apparently doesn’t need sleep. Despite the fact that its only been four months since she released her smash album Born This Way, Gaga is a apparently already working on that album’s follow-up and she recently told Ryan Seacrest her forthcoming album will come out “sooner rather than later.”
“I’m actually already working on my next album,” she told him during their interview, “so I’ve been working on that. I’ve been planning the next tour, which keeps me very excited and busy because I have lots of new ideas, and I know exactly how I want it to look.”
Not content to stop there she also added, “I’m also planning my next music video. I have lots of things to do, but in truth, I feel like I’m the most alive when I’m onstage.” While it’s still far too early to put a release date on Gaga’s next album her manager Troy Carter recently stated that the singer could be going all Radiohead on us with her next disc when it comes to pricing.
If it was up to me, I’d give away the next album and put it on every handset that I can put it on,” the forward-thinking Carter said last week during the f8 conference in San Francisco. “You can’t be scared to fail. Sometimes we’re going to get big results, and sometimes you learn a lesson, make an adjustment and move on.”
While this approach may be unorthodox, it’s obvious that if anyone was born this way it’s Lady Gaga, right?

Taking it to the top in cancer awareness mission

Pilates teacher honours father who died from prostate cancer

AIMING HIGH: Emma Davies
MUM of three and Pilates teacher Emma Davies from Haringey in north London will be climbing Ben Nevis on Friday (September 30) to honour the memory of her late father who passed away from prostate cancer. 
Emma will also be using her climb to raise funds for the Prostate Cancer Charity.
She said: “Having experienced such a great loss I know what impact this disease has on men affected and their families. This has given me the drive to challenge myself and to raise awareness for the Prostate Cancer Charity.”
Emma will be flying to Scotland for her ascent of Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in Britain. The climb is expected to take about nine hours. Although the climb means much to Emma because of her family bereavement through Prostate Cancer, she is extending her awareness campaign to support men and their families living with the disease. Emma’s climb is raising funds for the Prostate Cancer Charity. The cancer disproportionately affects black men.
Emma recently appeared on Tropical FM radio to share her family experience with Prostate Cancer to a wider audience and to help raise awareness of the importance of early testing, diagnosis and treatment.
To sponsor Emma, donate on her Just Giving page 

Or through her personal website

Beyonce to perform at X Factor final?

Kelly Rowland says former bandmate could take to the stage

 on hit show

KELLY ROWLAND has sparked rumours that singer and former bandmate, Beyoncé, could perform at the X Factor final.
The X Factor judge said that she would "love" to have Bey attend the grand final of the ITV1 talent show, despite the pregnant star turning down the opportunity to assist Kelly in picking the finalists at the Judges' Houses stage due to her packed schedule.
Kelly, who was chosen to be the mentor for the girls category in the competition, told new! magazine:
"I'd have loved Bey there at Judges' Houses, but she has a tight schedule and she's pregnant."
She's still a great support though from the US, and if it's possible I would love to have her in my corner for the final."
"There is enough talent in any [girls] category to win it, but the girls are a little bit special this year. It's the girls who moved us all to tears. I honestly think we have a girl who can sell millions of records," she added.
The 30-year-old also revealed that she is expecting "fireworks" between her fellow judges, Tulisa Contostavlos, Gary Barlow and Louis Walsh, once the live finals begin later this year.
"Up until now we've all been on the same side, but when it's the live  finals, and we have our own acts to defend, you'd better know there are going to be fireworks!," she said.

Strange information may be new to you

Lighter knew before he knew the match

Physicist «Albert Einstein» The difficulty in pronunciation until he reached the age of nine and his parents and teachers believe that the mentally retarded
«Alexander Graham Bell» inventor of the telephone call did not contact his wife or mother, never more so because they were infected deaf
Snail can sleep for a period of «3 Years» continuing

Technology in the coming years

What is the story background of the Windows XP famous????

Months passed back to Windows users is the default green background field, which captured the beauty in the first of many times where they have installed Windows XP and then they change it after a few days because everyone is used, where it came from this picture real or is it modified?
Background, which bore the name of Bliss (meaning bliss or paradise), taken in 1996 before the advent of Windows XP or 2000 or even Windows "disaster," Millennium is taken in a province of Sonoma, California by photographer Charles or - Rir, who confirmed that this is Taken by the camera in medium quality and it is not modified, but real.
When sent him a question about the amount he received from Microsoft for the use of the image in months operating system Charles explained that he can not talk about the amount paid by Microsoft because of the agreement, including but hints indicate that the amount received quite a bit.
The image below is for the site after ten years, and as you can see, things changed and became a farmer fields of grapes.

jeudi 29 septembre 2011

The footage is unique to some world leaders

. Microphone drops in Breast of Eva Longoria

Washington - United States of America: an embarrassing situation has been famous actress Eva Longoria 36 years old to attend one of the workshops during the program on the air where the verifier Almikrovin fell inside her jacket naked Anne jacket was open too.

No longer able to Eva Longoria to hold Balmicrvon and take it from her chest, where it was hit too embarrassed to hand the jacket open and naked showing her chest the other hand, wore short shorts, too.

And Eva Longoria: I dream of motherhood and I hope to become a mother, saying that the problem faced now is to find the right father for her children and she is not flexible in personal relations are characterized by emotional and tense.

The Eva Longoria was separated from her husband, Tony Parker, 28, earlier this year after a marriage that lasted three and a half years.

Image of the largest snake in the world - truly terrifying

 truly terrifying

Indian man who had not washed his hair since his birth - See when the wash

View the pictures and paper with a hundred billion dollars

how to clean apple product

The materials used to make Apple products vary; in some cases each product may have specific cleaning requirements, which may vary by the part you are cleaning. Here are some tips that apply to all products to get you started:

Use only a soft, lint-free cloth. Abrasive cloths, towels, paper towels, and similar items may cause damage to the item.
Disconnect your Apple product from any external power sources.
Disconnect any external devices and other cabling from the product.
Keep liquids away from the product.
Don’t get moisture into any openings, and don't use aerosol sprays, solvents, or abrasives.
Do not spray cleaners directly onto the item.

Note: If liquid does make its way inside your Apple product, seek assistance from an Apple Authorized Service

12 week fitness challenge

For Immediate Release
Local Competition Turns International Overnight

Edmonton, AB - Bikini or Bust ( launches 12 week Fitmas challenge. Donloree Hoffman, Founder of Bikini or Bust, has challenged herself, fitness fiends, workout wannabes and couch potatoes to give themselves the gift of health this holiday season. On October 3, 2011, Bikini or Bust will be launching 'Fitmas', a 12-week challenge designed to inspire, lead and benefit anyone who is looking to get into better shape and wants to create a healthier self for the New Year.

Donloree spent the first decade of her professional life working her way up the corporate ladder. After landing her 'dream job', she came to realize she wasn't living at all. Making a life-altering decision, Donloree left her lucrative professional job to achieve her own personal and passionate goals. Now a John Maxwell Team certified Leadership Coach, Donloree is also soon to be certified personal trainer.

    • "I've taken substantial steps in my life over the last couple of years and have been fortunate enough to have amazing success," said Ms. Hoffman. "I took to blogging at the onset of my bodybuilding competition, and it has morphed into something women and men around the world look to for inspiration". During the 12 Weeks of Fitmas, a new challenge will be posted on the Bikini or Bust blog each Monday. Participants are encouraged to write weekly blog posts, tweet pictures, or post comments and results on the Bikini

تخلصي من الآم الساقين بهذه الخطوات!

امنحي الطاقة لساقيك وتخلصي من آلامهما
تمضي 70 في المئة من النساء النهار وهنّ يقفن ليتذمرن في نهاية اليوم من ثقل وألم في الساقين, إنها الضريبة التي يتوجب على كل منا دفعها بسبب أسلوب العيش العصري والمتوتر.
لذا إليكِ كيفية الحدّ قدر الإمكان من الأضرار التي قد تلحق بالساقين..

في الصباح:
إنتعلي منذ الصباح الباكر الجوارب التي تريح الساقين (متوافرة في الصيدليات), فحبكتها المشدودة نوعاً ما في بعض الأنحاء تجعلها تفرض ضغطاً على النقاط الاستراتيجية عند السير على القدمين, والنتيجة.. يتم تدليك الساقين وتتحفز الدورة الدموية فتشعرين براحة حقيقية.

خلال النهار:
لوقف التعب والإحساس بالثقل في الساقين، ثمة أنواع من الرذاذ المرتكزة على النعناع والكافور يمكن رشها على الساقين للشعور فوراً بالراحة والخفة, واللافت أنه يمكنك رش مثل هذا الرذاذ في أي وقت من النهار، حتى عبر الجوارب، ويمكنك حملها معك أينما ذهبت نظراً لحجمها الصغير والعملي.

بعد الظهر:
عند العودة من العمل، عليكِ توفير بعض الراحة لساقيك قبل الشروع مجدداً في الأعمال المنزلية والاهتمام بالأولاد, جربي هذا التمرين البسيط جداً والمثالي لإزالة التعب من الساقين…
استلقي على ظهرك ومدّي ساقيك على نحو عمودي، ثم اثني قدميك, انتقلي بسرعة من وضعية القدمين المثنيتين إلى وضعية القدمين الممدودتين حتى الشعور بحرق على مستوى العرقوبين, رجّي بعدها ساقيك وقفي منتصبة.

في المساء:
لن تتمكني من الاستمتاع بنوم مريح في الليل إذا كنت تشعرين بثقل في قدميك, ولن تكفيك وضعية التمدد لتحفيز الدورة الدموية والتخلص من ذلك الإحساس بالثقل, فعليك إذاً اللجوء إلى المياه الباردة لتنشيط جسمك قليلاً.
وجهي دفقاً من المياه الباردة على ساقيك، بدءاً من الكاحلين وصولاً إلى الركبتين، لتحفيز الدورة الدموية, وكرري هذه العملية مرات عدة طوال دقيقتين أو ثلاث دقائق, وسوف تشعرين سريعاً بالراحة والخفّة..

Wedding ceremony's most expensive dog and his dog .. Wedding dress, pictures

Wedding ceremony's most expensive dog and his dog .. Wedding dress, pictures

He has engaged to dog bitch dog Bbaha stage of acquaintance between the dogs after they made to the family

Had been booked in one of the hotels rooms Torontoa giant U.S. and now in the dog waiting Mdama bitch Hanim

Individual image of the bride (dog, Madame)
Of the memory in order to be placed in the living room

mercredi 28 septembre 2011

بالصور شاهد من اكتر وسامة بين الممتلين الاتراك

امل حجازي تفقد جنينها بعد عملية اجهاض

بيروت – لبنان : تمر حاليا المطربة اللبنانية امل حجازي بفترة عصيبة حيث فقدت جنينها في عملية اجهاض طارئة بمستشفى طراد في الحمرا بيروت،حيث كانت امل حجازي في الشهر الرابع من حملها وشعرت بألم شديد في البطن واتجهت للمستشفي على وجه السرعة واكد الاطباء لها ان جنينها مات داخل بطنها .أمل وزوجها محمد لديهما طفل يدعى كريم يبلغ عامين ونصف ويعيشان حالة حزن شديد لفقدان الجنين وكانا يأملان انضمامه إلى شقيقه كريم، ومن المقرر أن تبقى أمل أيام عدة في المستشفى لمراقبة حالتها الصحية.ويبدو أن أمل حجازي انزعجت من بعض الذين سارعوا الى نشر الخبر، والاعلان انها في حال حرجة، اذ كتب القيمون على صفحتها الرسمية عبر موقع “الفيس بوك ” نطمئن جميع محبي الفنانة أمل حجازي اٍنها...